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March 29th, 2024 - Presumpscot Chat

Friday, March 29th, 2024

Hello, Presumpscot Community!

It has been a great week at Presumpscot. Grade 5 went on their first PE field trip with Amy Pires to Portland Community Squash. They had a wonderful time! Next week, Grades 4 and 5 are heading to the STEM Expo at Talbot. 

We will also be sending out Trimester 2 report cards next week.


Better World Day:

Better World Day is Friday, May 3rd, 2024, and we have a plan! Read Natasha Vandegrift-Martinez’s update below.

Rebecca Maiorano had an incredible idea to collaborate with Portland Trails to spruce up our school trail, and Jamie, from Portland Trails, agreed. So, the day of, students will go out to the trails and work on getting them back into great condition with volunteers from Portland Trails. They also agreed to help me with one of my goals this year in turning the trail into a learning walk.


News from Nurse Nell:

As we head into "spring," we have lots of wet weather ahead of us, and we still go outside every day. Please send your child with appropriate outdoor clothes AND a change of clothes in their backpack. We have many kids come looking for dry clothes, and if we don't have any, we may need to call you to bring some in. Thank you!


FTO Corner:

Staff Appreciation Week is coming up at the beginning of May. We'd like to offer raffle options to staff through the week, with the drawing on Friday, May 10th. If you or someone you know would be willing to donate a gift card or new item to be raffled off, please reach out to the Presumpscot FTO at Some items already donated are: Yeti Lunch Box, Drink Tumbler, Grill, and a variety of local gift cards. Dates to look out for:

  • Friday, April 26, 5:45 - 8:00 pm: Presumpscot Night with a movie, featuring Sing 2!
  • Monday, May 6th - Friday, May 10th: Staff Appreciation Week
  • Friday, May 17th: Happy Wheels Night ($11 per skater) 


Important Upcoming Events:

  • Tuesday, April 2: Trimester Two Report Cards Sent Out
  • Friday, April 12th  - Friday, April 19th: April Break, no school
  • Friday, April 26, 5:45-8:00 pm: Presumpscot Night with a movie, featuring Sing 2!